Ryota Kuwakubo and Reico Yamaguchi want to be known as «Perfektron». Their installation at the Lucy Mackintosh Gallery is about COCOSOCOASOCO. It displays a group of artworks that will seduce and mislead the viewer with their size and colour. Perfektron invites the visitor to play with their mental and spatial perception.
COCOSOCOASOCO consists of objects painted in
grayscale; it is a simulation of aerial perspective. Moreover, the objects have a distorted optical relationship between one another, created by different scales to emphasize the linear perspective.
Perfektron’s work lies on the boundary between digital and analog. Their artworks come alive with the participation
of the visitors, or the consumers. It is understated
technology that makes sense; reduced to its purest form, thus evoking the ancestors of digital media.
There is no visible technological process in
COCOSOCOASOCO, but the objects are drawn and
designed on the computer, to be reproduced with great precision on a planar surface and then built in 3-D. Ryota
Kuwakubo and Reico Yamaguchi want to surpass the
disillusionment gravitating in technology nowadays.